Tuesday, July 30, 2019

July 29 Lluça to Alpens

Eleven-ish mile walk, neither thrilling nor dull.  But I do think I am beginning to run out of steam.  Maybe it is the weather....heavy air, if you know what I mean.  Anyway, staying at an apartment with all the amenities for two nights. The biggest thrill is the kitchen.  Again, dueño—Joan—gave me eggs, a good thing, because I am sick to death of tuna and sardines.  He will also pick me up in Ripoll tomorrow, which is great, since now I will not have to rendez vous at a prearranged time with  taxi.  In fact, he has been super amable.  Turns out he and his wife, also  muy amable, have a daughter who is finishing up a PhD program in biomedicine at Virginia Tech.  Hola, Nuria (si estás leyendo ésto).

This being a slow news day, let me just note that I have yet to see a single postcard for sale.

¡Hola!  See that horse in the background?

I think they like each other:

Startled to see a first sign of autumn at the end of July:

The mountains are still in view:

This was described as a fortified farm:

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