Monday, July 29, 2019

July 27 l'Espunyola to Gironella

Taxista picked me up at 6:00 to take me just a couple of miles to l'Espunyola—because hotel, very nice hotel, I must say— was off route—then he went on with the bags.  As usual, though, it took forever to find the path, and the many barking dogs pulling at their chains did not ease the task.  But I was a woman on a mission because I knew that Gironella had a sporting goods store, where I was hoping I could replace HAT, and a major grocery store, and you know that everything closes either at 1:00, 1:30 or 2:00 and may or may not reopen at 5:00 or 5:30.  Also, thunder storms were predicted.

Oh, John, as in the writer of the guide book, suggested skipping this stage, since, after the drama of yesterday's stage, it is just "a little dull."  I was thrilled with a little dull.

A little dull?

 It was a pleasant 14.5 mile walk, on good surfaces, with enough directional challenges to keep it interesting.  Well, OK, when I took a wrong dirt road 2/3 through, that cost me a good 1/2 hour, I was not happy.  It wasn't even really a wrong choice, just wrong for this route.

Cemetery.  Visiting hours, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Looks like condos in a park:

Dog not barking:

Neighbour dog barking:

Two doors down, dog also barking:

Move to the side when the big guys come:

 Cow of a different colour (s):

I could hardly wait to get to the sporting goods store here in Gironella.  Four naked mannequins in the window, however, did not make the place look promising.  Let's just say this was not REI. There were maybe six hats total, so I settled for a supremely ugly chartreuse baseball cap.  The guy did use the word, "technical" to describe it.  I think that is because it has some little holes on the sides.

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