Saturday, July 13, 2019

July 10 Arguis to Nocito

I never knew 13.5 miles could be so tough, even Wikiloc, the site for all walks, classifies the stretch from Arguis to Nocito as difficult.  To be sure, the scenery was impressive, spectacular, in fact, but at the end you felt as if you had walked 20 miles.  What a relief to arrive at a pleasant Casa Rural at the end.

This is not the place I am staying:

Nor, gracias a Diós. is this:

You will never guess the name of this river:

It is the Rio Flumen!!

Mother Nature asserts herself everywhere:

No wonder that horse is looking at me askance and would not move out of the way.  I was not supposed to be in her space:

Mountains everywhere, including the ones you are climbing. This shot was taken from pretty high up, well, high enough for me:

See what I am saying?

That is so sweet:

Outdoor museum.  Note how the curator combined the item on display with other natural objects.  Colour, texture, and proportion obviously taken into consideration, as well:

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