Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 23 Oliana to Cambrils

Oliana, despite the lyrical name, is an ugly town, a pathway to Andorra, so big trucks rumble through constantly.  The hotel, right on the highway, had great sound-proofiong windows and air-conditioning.  In fact, it was a really up-market hotel for such a location, and the people running it were very nice.The guy even acted as taxista for Rojita y Mochalita when no other could be found. The wi-fi went out every five minutes, but for that, they are forgiven.

This would have been an excellent day—a start time of 5:40 assured a decent arrival time in Cambrils (so I thought)—had I not had trouble finding my accommodation.  This took an hour, during which time I almost ripped my pants right off crossing a barbed wire fence, since I somehow had ended up in a field where I was not supposed to be, but thought I could get to the road from there. (Couldn't) Then, arrived to cranky lady, who told me most sourly, when I asked if they had any fans, that I had a window, and indeed I do.  It is the size of a postage stamp and the room is very small.  I hope there will be a breeze.

Mountains behind Oliana at 6:00 a.m.

The views were stunning, whether you looked down:

Or ahead:

It was a day of constant climb, as in five hours of climbing, but not so steep that you thought you could not take another step.  

An ermita:

right near which was the sword in the stone:

Two more words of Catalan, and, oh, a moment to express gratitude for the excellent way marking to- day:


The  mountains are everywhere you look!

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