Sos del Rey, actually a view from yesterday's walk. This clustering of houses on a hill seems to be the standard shape and arrangement of towns in these parts:

Group of horses; one horse eating, three not, at the moment:
Horse absenting self from the group:
Hill of trees:
One reason I decided to stay in Sos del Rey three nights was because it has a grocery store, nay, a supermarket, and I will not have a tienda for at least four more days, and the fourth day is questionable because the store there closes at 1:00, not to reopen until the next day, unless the next day is Sunday or Tuesday or some other day when it might not be open. Well, this is the store for which I had to make complicated taxi arrangements:
The store is known as Simply, pronounce that Seem-ply, and the sign does not lie. It has a tiny produce section, but don't touch anything!! You will point to your selection and the señora will choose it, and weigh it, y ya!
Had I stayed in Petilla de Aragón, today's destination, I would have been able to walk the next stage to Biel since, being right there, I would have been able to start out before 6:00. However, since it will be in the 90's, and the walk has no escape route AND it has lots of climbing, and I could not arrive at the start point until after 6:30, and the walk is seven hours+ change (I usually beat the time predictions by at least an hour, but even so), I decided not to do it. I spent hours on the computer and with my phone trying to see if the taxi could take me to a point further along, but there is no road that goes near it. So, I will go to Biel, the end point, and do a circular walk. I feel quite bad about all these stages not walked, and doubtless there will be others. Oh, and wouldn't you know I lost my list of mileage. It disappeared from Notes; vanished. I think there is a message there.
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