Sunday, July 14, 2019

11 de julio Not the walk

Today  I did not do the scheduled 18+ mile walk, which would be 25+ miles if you also walked the final 8+ miles on asphalt to the B and B. Other issues: there is the stream the bridge across which has washed away (which may or may not be a big deal), several places where the waymarking is poor or absent, another place where you might have to take a detour (no instructions on exactly how to detour), a big climb several hours in, overgrown paths, temperature in the 90's, and so on.  

Clearly, I needed a substitute walk.  I chose a route to a town, the name of which I do not remember, but it started with a V, which was too far away for a round trip. The plan was to do three to three hours and fifteen minutes out then turn back, which would allow enough time to get una tonica con hiello (tonic with ice) un Magnum, change my shoes and be ready for el taxista.  The walk was gorgeous.  Breathtaking, really.  After a while, it went into the woods—well, it didn’t, really, but the path looked like it was headed that way.  After some time in the woods, the path was not looking good, so I decided to turn back, but when I turned around, I could not see anything remotely like a path. "How the heck did I get here?"  The whole area was pretty dense scrub and rocks and a big river way below with cliffs from which I did not want to fall.  I had a terrible time for over half an hour.  This was the closest I have come to using the satellite GO which may not have been able to pick up a signal anyway because of the density of the trees and brush and all.  Should I go up or should I try to go down to find a way to the path?  Por fin, at last I found the way out. It turns out that  I had missed a subtle turn that was almost invisible from the direction I had been walking, so I don’t feel so bad about that.  But the experience was frightening.  It is so easy to be close to where you need to be but not know how to get there at the same time.

A view, including the river into which I did not want to fall:

Other people have problems, too:

Ahhh, perfect!!

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