Monday, July 8, 2019

July 6, Biel (Fuencalderas) to Murillo de Gallego

5:45 a.m. pick up by taxi only it was later because taxi and I were not waiting in the same spot.  But anyway, it was a good thing there was a place to start some 7 km from Biel because it became very hot and there was a section in the mountains where finding the way was extremely time consuming.  I was VERY CAREFUL.  At every "where the heck do I go from here" stage, I made sure to NOT GO far if I did not see a waymarker where I thought there should be one. I just went back to the previous one (although finding it was not so easy, since the markings were on stones half buried in tall grass and there was no path), but bit by bit, I got to the "ruined farmhouses" which I had been looking for as a beacon, but since they were ruined right down to the ground, you could not see them until you were right on top of them, at which point you say, "Oh, they do exist."  Actually, I find this no path, and I mean none, in mountainous areas most disconcerting.

Yesterday was the day of the cow.  Today was the day of the view.

Rocks with trees:

Pointy rocks without trees:

Dramatic rocks:

Ten commandment rocks?

View from my window, which looks like Ayers Rock even though I have never seen Ayers Rock:

A stream, which, at some times of the year you have to take off your shoes to cross, but not now:

OK enough prettiness.  Today there was the dog incident.  Two dogs, unchained, were barking madly as dogs here do, but were not really bothering me until one of them decided to go after me.  "Grrrrrrrr" he said, which is both Spanish and English for this is not good and I felt his teeth snap at my leg.  I turned around and yelled at him (in English) and waved my poles madly.  Guess who was alpha then?!

And in case you miss cows, here are two, sad for having been left out yesterday:

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