Friday, July 26, 2019

July 24 Sant Laurenç de Morunys

Due to the heat, the description and length of the walk meant for today, which, a day later I cannot even remember—but all factors were dissuasive—I decided to do an ida y vuelta (loop walk) from Sant Laurenç.  Six hours, and OK, but nothing really great.

Sometimes the path was rocky with smaller stuff:

And sometimes with bigger stuff:

As the book says, the view is somewhat obscured by trees.  (But then wouldn't trees be your view?)

Then it opens up:

Despite the fact that this section of the route was well waymarked, you could still miss a turn:
(What is going to happen when that tree gets bigger?)

Pregnant goat and friends:

And now, for a bow:

Excellent hotel in Sant Laurenç run by a most excellent, energetic lady.  Hola, Dolores.  Gracias por todo.  I really have met so many kind and generous people on this walk.  But except for the Italian guy back in where-ever-it-was who was not doing my route, I have not met one other walker.  And, in the majority of places I have stayed, I have been the only guest.  

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