Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 12 Nocito to Liguerre

Couldn’t have started earlier (5:45), couldn’t have walked faster, made only one mistake, though that cost a good 20 minutes, and there were many paces where it would have been easy to miss a turnoff, and still it took seven hours to walk 16 miles.  Granted it was hot.  It was well into the 90’s when I finished, and was I ever glad to finish and be able to order “Una tónica y un Magnum, por favor,”  I am staying in a bungalow, a pretty basic bungalow—oh, a fan would be so nice—which has a little frig. With a freezer compartment.  A previous guest left a bottle of water in the freezer, so I have been enjoying, I cannot tell you how much I have been enjoying, ice cold water all afternoon.  To get wi-fi, you have to take your device and walk down the road.  

What can I say about today’s walk?  I can say that it is hard to walk in the heat—we're talking in the 90's—with a backpack, and, within the last hour or so, when you see that asphalt road that is a hill that you have to go up, it takes a lot of effort.  Today, for the first time ever, I left my rain gear in the suitcase, but replaced the weight, more or less, by taking an extra litre of water.  Turns out I didn’t really need it, but came close.

These grapes do not belong to today's walk, but anyone who has worked with Blogspot will tell you what a pain it is to insert photos, and does it really matter?  Here are some grapes I saw!  The hombres—good hombres, not bad hombres— working on the vines told me that this is going to be a good year.

Not your everyday sort of landscape:


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