Saturday, July 6, 2019

July 05 Biel to Biel

The circular walk I was going to do informed that you had to go to "a parking" two miles north of Biel to get started.  I could not find said road on a map, so I decided to walk part of today's walk in reverse and walk back to Biel, another round trip.  It was a pretty good walk, 14 miles and darn hot at the end, so it was especially nice that the very kind owner of the apartment (tonight's lodging), drove by—I think he was looking for me—and gave me a ride as I was trying to figure out how to get here.  But back to the  walk and more about Alvero later.

First there was one cow:

Then there were a couple more:

Then there were a whole bunch!

Now, you see that black one?  She was trying to mate with the brown one (not the red one), but it did not work out for either one of them:

Good bye, cows!

So back to Alvero el dueño.  He gave me fresh eggs, straight out of the coop, and tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce from the community garden that he runs, AND oil and vinegar for the salad.  Oh, and since the panadería was closed today—after all, it is Friday—he gave me bread, too, which I toasted.  

Tomorrow, I am knocking 6-7 km. off at 25 km. day.  This is due to the heat.  I really do not want to be walking after about noon. Also, that section looks like a misery.  

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