The wildness and ruggedness of the walk in previous sections is not part of the ambience after Graus, but that does not mean that a day's walk was, to use a groaner, a walk in the park! Still plenty of climbing and steep descents. But today's walk had an excruciatingly boring section in the middle, about three to four miles of walking on cement. NR! (not recommended). Waymarking continues to be, baruch hashem, good, but you still have to be vigilant at all times!!
Above the clouds:
A little bit farther on and a little bit later:

Too much of a good thing?
A sweet little bridge (crossed):
Old Bridge (not crossed):

Well, you could cross it if you wanted to but it would not help get you where you needed to go.
I am going to miss the apartment in Alpens. The frig even has a freezer and the local wee shoppee had a box, yes, one box, of mini Magnums, so I bought the box. I am also going to miss the kindness and generosity of Joan, who drove me this morning 45 minutes from Alpens to the starting point, a few kilometres after Ripoll, a huge huge favour.
It seems as if the pattern is: first part of the day's walk much better than the second. My right leg is swollen, so I wonder if that has anything to do with what seems to be a schlep in my step. Boots at the falling apart stage, which may also contribute to a mild fatigue since they just don't support your feet as they should. There have been a number of diversions the past several days. Some make the walk better—getting you off the road—some worse—putting you on the road.
Roof top and chimney:
If trees could dance.....:
Arrived in Sant Pau where I had a last minute change of accommodation. The original B and B was not located where it claimed to be located, nor did it have the features it claimed to have such as a private bathroom. Actually, the location issue was the biggest deal since lady would not even reveal exactly where her mystery place was, and that makes it really hard to give directions to taxista who is going to deliver your bag and then to the taxista who is going to pick up your bag, AND the lady does not always answer the phone, which makes it hard to know when she would come to the designated pick-up spot—a Cash Point— to get you as she claimed she would. Just too raro (strange). It all worked out for the best.
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