Saturday, August 10, 2019

August 7 Barcelona

Got to Barcelona at 8:30, and would you believe, the hotel let me check in.  It took just a few minutes to "get sorted" so soon, I went to see the sea:

Then I headed over to the Picasso Museum, and at first thought I was at MOMA:


There are lots and lots of bakeries.  This one sold giant muffins:

There are also huge food markets crammed with people and, well, food:


There was a Flamenco street dancer.  He was very good:

And martial arts:

Policeman, most vigilant, finger on the trigger:

Finally, visited the Ancient Synagogue, just a small room, really:

Barely anything left of it, and what is inside is recent and has been donated.  The original synagogue was not big since no synagogue was allowed to be bigger than the smallest church.  Barcelona had a significant Jewish population, until riots (pogroms, essentially), forced conversions, and other pressures emptied the city of Jews.  But now there are  over 5000 Jews in Barcelona Read all about it if you care to!  (This is the first time I have added a link to a post.  Enlarging to your "skill set" is so exciting!)

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