Wednesday, August 7, 2019

August 6 Camallera to l'Escala

Last day of a walk deserves its own post even though nothing much happened.  Today's stage was marginally less boring than yesterday’s.  At least the surfaces were somewhat easier on the feet.  But really, this is cyclist territory.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Despite the dullness, there is an undertone of giddiness that spurs you on because you know that soon you will have completed the GR1, even if every single step of it was not walked in your boots.

While musing suchly, about a 1/2 hour after Taxista dropped me off in Camallera, whence he went by car and I by foot to l’Escala, I got a WhatsApp telling me that no one was at the hotel to receive Rojita y Mochilita and so he was going to toss them in the bushes!  “Ay, no!!” I replied.  “No deje el equipaje!”  He said he could wait until 8:00 but that then he would have to return to Banyoles as he had other trips to do.  There were many communiques back and forth, but I was thinking that surely by 8:00 someone would surface since breakfast would be needed by the tony guests about then.  And that is what happened.  Crisis averted, but let me tell you that it is not so easy to  worry, to text in a foreign language, and walk at the same time.  

A surprisingly lovely home in the middle of nowhere (and lady with yappy dog):

At 11:30, reached the sea and the official end, Sant Marti de Empuries, a  place where people, lots of them, come to have fun.  I should try that some time:

Reached hotel at 12:30 without a hope of checking in before 2:00. I so badly wanted to go to my room, but I settled for changing boots to Keens, a seltzer, ice cream, and wi-fi.  Then went off to a huge Mercadona (supermarket) nearby.

2:00 room not ready and I am cranky.  2:15 even crankier.  2:35, at last,

If you care to, see post titled España 2019 Getting ready, June 06, and look at handsome boots ready for adventure.  This is the same pair:

They have lost all structure and support.  Poles worn out, too.  Ditching both here.  Backpack is pretty worn and filthy, doesn't smell too terrific, either, but definitely still useable.  I am pretty worn and right leg is sore and swollen, but I am not ditching myself here!  There is still Barcelona whither I head at 6:30 tomorrow morning.

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