Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August 3 Besalú rest day

Got up early, way too early, so when it was normal early I went out to see the town void of people and walk a bit along the river.

Where there is a river, there will be ducks:

This one did not want to get its feet wet:

There was also some art.  The thing that is amazing about this chair is that it is a flat piece of metal, but when you photograph it, it becomes 3 dimensional or at least two dimensional.  Just could not figure out how that worked:

Seems as if some artist had a thing for chairs:

Even a high chair!

Old door with curtain and flower:

For the kitty lovers: 

Cannot even begin to comment on this photo:

which is in the same place as this menorah:

Besalú had a Jewish community until it didn't for the usual reasons.  Now that past serves as a tourist attraction.  There is a tour of the old synagogue, of which virtually nothing is left, but if you are going to give a tour, you have to say something. So the guide kept saying (in Spanish) "Imagine that there was an X here" and imagine there was a Y here, and so on.  It was very annoying.  There is also a mikvah, no longer kosher, kept under lock and key.  So much for the romantic Jewish past of Besalú.

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