Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 My watch claims I walked 22.64 miles today but a mile of that was on a ferry from Santoña to 

Oh, and this is the signage at the ferry in Santoña:

The transport vessel was more substantial than yesterday´s:

And it had a toilet, which I badly needed!

But I am going backwards, since the ferry was at the end!  But does it matter?  It was a brutal day.  Not terribly hilly, just way too much highway and road walking and there are way too many route choices with none of them being adequately described, and it was very very long. Then, just to add to the mix, I must have gotten some sunscreen in my eye because it burned and teared like the dickens all day long. When I arrived in Santander I was so happy to see a FARMACIA sign, only they were on vacay.  Then, I saw another near my hotel but they were at lunch until 4:30.  You better believe I was back there at 4:35 and the pharmacist produced a bottle of drops from a drawer which are helping.  

I was very hungry by this time, so I bought an ice cream that made me feel sick.  

Speaking of Santander, let me tell you that it is a BIG city.  The walk from the pier to my hotel was 45 minutes part of which was through an awful tunnel  almost 1/2 mile long (675 meters).  The hotel is near a large beach and it has a pool of which, apparently, I have an unobstructed view.  This was what greeted me when I walked into my room:


Back to the walk: there were a few enjoyable stretches like through this field, for example:

What was growing, I have no icea.

I would have picked some of those lemons if I could have reached:

No doubt there is some clever thing to say about life´s journey´s being relative and all, but I cannot think of anything clever at the moment.  Something like a smail´s slithering from one end of a stem to the other is like my 24 1/2 mile day  minus the ferry.

Breakfast time:

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