Monday, June 24, 2024

Luarca, June 23

 The walk today was surprisingly pleasant.  About 1/2 was off the road!  What a difference that makes!  Also, have I mentioned that I have been very lucky with the weather?  It has been in the 50´s (early morning) and 60´s and grey.  Good walking weather.  Watch!  It won´t last!

This is what off the road can look like:

As opposed to this:

There was even a patch of forest:

This puddle was deeper and wider than it looks:

So there was this;

This church looks very modern, but was built in 1925:

Old (roof on lower building) and not so old:

Luarca is an adorable town with a pretty harbor:

I was happy that I had brought a hunk of onion and a tomato, and had snuck a jar of mayonnaise into my suitcase and figured out how to transport a few nectarines, oh and the bag of lettuce, because when nothing is open on Sunday, nothing is open!  Tchatchke stores and restaurants are, as are some bakeries and candy shops, but no groceries were to be had.  AND it is not only Sunday you have to prepare for, but Monday-until-arrival-at-destination.  Outside of major cities, Sundays are always challenge.

Doesn´t this look like a challah (except for where I tore out a piece)?

It did not taste like much, alas, even after being all dolled up with butter and raisins!

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