Sunday, June 30, 2024

Abadin June 29

 As noted yesterday, I had anticipated that today´s stage would be difficult and it did not disappoint, like 1200 meters (almost 4000 feet) of ascent on asphalt.  It was gruelling and insanely boring. (Podcasts and audiobooks help!) There was a newer, alternate route, mostly off road, but it had even more ascent and none of the apps had the gpx data for it.  No doubt, had I hunted I could have found those data but I did not really try since it seemed a bit risky, to tell the truth, and extra adventure I can live without.  The weather continued cool and rainy, and there was a thick mist.

Thick mist:

When the mist lifted a little, it was clear (hah) that the scenery down into the valley was beautiful, umm, I think you will just have to take my word on that:

I wonder if the spikes are to prevent birds from making a nest on the roof or to dissuade small animals in general:

This beastie is harboring some serious steaks only I think it is a she:

This one really had a look!

And this one had an entirely different look:

Hey, horse here!

Abadin, a dot on the map, has this albergue (with some private rooms, one of which I am in, but I know right now I am going to have a serious backache tomorrow because of the terrible mattress), a bar-restaurant and two tiny supermercados practically identical and about 100 feet from each is so odd.  In neither can you choose the produce yourself.  The one employee cuts the meat—it is a regular butcher shop in the back—selects your fruit and vegetables, and runs the cash register.  Don´t ask!

I am looking forward to tomorrow´s more modest terrain and to staying in a super nice hotel!

Of course, I am keeping up with important news such as the debate disaster and New Haven Register´s info on fireworks.  How To Watch Fireworks read the headline.  How?  You don´t just look up?  They meant Where to Watch Fireworks.  Don´t get me started!

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