Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Návia June 24

The long, steep, windy descent into Luarca yesterday was mirrored by a long, steep windy ascent this morning only in a different direction.  This is definitely best done at 6:30 a.m., although there was much more upping to follow.

A roof in need of, actually beyond repair but really quite charming to look at what with the flowers growing out of it and all (definitely click to enlarge to see better):


(Speaking of roofs needing repair, Bava Metzia 116-117, spilling into 118 as Talmudic discussions tend to do, deals in large part with what happens when the floor in the upper story of has a hole in in or collapses or something along those lines, and a  tenant is renting this upper story....what are the responsibilities of the landlord?  It is a fun discussion.)

These bits of plants that grow our from the cracks in a wall are so sweet:

This is Jose Luis. As I was a-walking along, he, being in a car at the time, stopped and asked if he could take my picture.  He had a placard with the request printed out in English.  Yeah, I thought it was a bit weird, but maybe he likes to take photos of peregrinos, as they are called.  He had a pretty fancy camera, so I asked if he was un fotógrofo.  He said he was not, but I think he was being modest!  He was a charming man!

Colt at rest.  Or is that a foal?  OK, looked it up. Probably a foal because, even though I know nothing about this, this purdy little things seems to be less than a year old.  Between 1-4 years, it is a colt if male and a filly if female.  At 4 the colt´s destiny is determined!  If castrated it becomes a gelding, and if not, a stallion.  If it mates, it is a stud and if it produces (!) a sire.  The female progression after foal, is filly, mare or broodmare, and then a dam.  (I wonder how many languages make these distinctions!  It is a lot of work.) 

A web, of sorts, but not the spidery kind

These cows, like the one who got the bad Air B&B, did not get a fine dining dinner res:

I thought I was going to have trouble finding my hotel, because on Google Mpas it seemed to be floating in a field, but wouldn´t you know, it was right on the path (street).  I had walked pretty fast this morning and arrived at about 11:30 (20k), "Check in is at 3:00."  OK!  The town was still a mile farther on, all downhill, so I went yonder to gather provisions. 

 When I got back about an hour and change later, I thought, "I am so hungry that I will sit on the steps and concoct my sandwich right there."  But I was granted admittance.  I spent the afternoon on logistics.  It was time well spent!

The bed in this room is driving me nuts.  It is on wheels that are not locked—yes, I tried to see if there was a lock—so when I lean against the headboard, the bed starts to roll away!  Very annoying!

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