Thursday, August 3, 2017

St.Dogamels to Newport August 1, 2017

Inspired by Rosie, who loves to give quizzes, here is one for you, dear reader.  Take at your own peril!

This morning I woke up at about 4:00 and heard the sound of  _____________.  When I headed out at 6:30, it was not___________ing, which put a spring in my step.  In fact, I saw a _________bow, so took a photo, but just as I did, it started to __________on the camera.

The __________ became very heavy and cold and needle-like, which was worrisome.  The path was beginning to look like a river.  There is no choice but to press on because there is no where to go, so press on you do.  For some strange reason, the path seemed to have a very large number of steep uphills, but few downhills, physically not reasonable, I know, but in the pouring ________ this is better, steep downhills being more difficult, if not treacherous, to navigate.  I was worried about the path around The Witches Cauldron because my notes said something about its being close to the edge, but it was fine. (Not my photo!):

One tries to read the sky.  Are there any clear areas ahead?  Yes, over the next hill, which seems to move further away as you approach, and besides, just when you are feeling hopeful, more heavy grey clouds push in from the west (I assume it was the west since I also assume I was walking south), crushing your optimism,  But by noon, the sky cleared and guess what colour one could see when one looked up?  BLUE!  Now, guess what is predicted for tomorrow? _______________

Two walkers doing the Pembrokeshire path from south to north (the usual direction), passed me and we chatted for a minute.  Their accents revealed their place of origin, so I remarked, "Oh, you don't have enough rain in Scotland!  You have to come to Wales to experience the rain!"  The man thought for a moment, then replied, "Well, we do, but the Welsh rain is warmer."  (Not always!!)

The last two hours were delightful a sunny, cool romp, so I decided to do a little portrait photography.  Wilbur and his Maaa-Maaa stood very patiently:

And these fine ladies did not want to miss out:

Get to B and B.  It is adorable!  Rather than its being rooms over a restaurant and bar, it is rooms over a sort of tea shop.  They bake their own excellent bread and other baked goods are exquisite!  Then, across the street is a butcher shop that sells, in addition to meat, of course, fruits, vegetables and specialty items.  I bought some Scottish lox at 1/4 the price, if not less, for which Zabar's sells it, and was it ever delicious!!  I would have loved to have bought one of the big fat chickens and roasted it, because we do not get chickens like that.  But dinner was quite gourmet none the less.

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