Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Kidwelly to Llanelli August 21

Sights of the day on a flat, mostly easy path except for the mud that almost pulled a boot off.  Fortunately, I tie my laces very well.  I actually saw a cow, not the one below, sink into the mud to above its left hind knee.  Remarkably, she pulled herself out.

What this random collection of shells was doing in a heap not near a beach, who knows. Oh, I do!  Someone gathered them to take them home, then wondered, "Why am I shlepping these shells home? I'll just toss them right over here, then people can forever wonder what this random collection of shells is doing not near a beach."

Part of the walk was on a long beach.  Due to the weather, said beach was not populated:

Like UFOs maybe?

Poor little lost yellow snail:

More industrious snail working very hard to climb this skinny blade of grass:

Many little snails also climbing blades of grass:

This one won the prize!  Fine dining at the lush restaurant at the top, right in the middle of the seed head.  Oh, yum!

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