Saturday, August 12, 2017

Dale to Milford Haven, Aug. 10 2017

Allenbrook, in Dale, outside, at 6:30 a.m.

And a bit of its gardens:

Today had logistical challenges.  There were two estuary crossings that did not fit my schedule.  One, at high tide, necessitated a 2 1/2 mile detour, the other, a 4 /2 mile detour.  I, however, not deterred, headed off to inspect the first situation.  Though not within the tidal range for passage, the little bridge was above water and off I marched.  Only at the very end of the circuit did I have to go inland a little way to meet the path.  Lucky!

Two hours or so later, reached the second situation. It was 9:15 and earliest passable crossing time was 12:30.  This was a no-can-do situation, so inland I went for 1 1/2 hours on roads, mostly, but also through two barley fields and one bean field, kind of a long way around the block.  Damon, from Encounter Walking Holidays, had suggested, most sensibly, that I set out at 11:30 in order to make both crossings, but can you keep a horse raring to go in the barn?

I like an early breakfast, too:

So do I:

This is an inducement at the Lord Nelson (less fancy than the name might imply), where I am tonight, to passersby to come in to try their offerings, and maybe even stay over:

What struck me, was fresh coffee bit.  But I guess that is better than old coffee served daily, woudn't you say?

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