Thursday, August 31, 2017

Porthcawl to Southerndown, August 29, 2017

Today's walk was everything yesterday's wasn't:  short(ish), rainy, and beautiful.  It began in Southerndown, so another reverse walk like the one from Port Talbot to Swansea because of the same transportation situation.  

Southerndown is a friendly place:

where one feels safe:

and good company is to be had:

 A breach in the wall through which the company can run when you pass too close for their comfort:

But this little spotty-faced one was unusually unafraid:

Some quiet loveliness:

Just loved the name of this restaurant in Ogmore by the Sea (love that name, too):

Oh, how I wish I could watch this match!

Just after some woods, this sandy expanse appeared.  After trudging through it for a bit, consulted GyPSy, fortunately, and, whoa,  discovered I would have to find some other sand through which to trudge, as this was the wrong sand:


Somebody's hard work of yesterday:

Sky and sand:

Sign to the right.....euphemism at its best

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