But somewhat long on confusion. B and B is quite off the path—it is worth the trek, for sure—but figuring out how to get here, being misdirected, walking on major roads in the heat of the day, in circles, and then having a mile+ schlep up a track-like road, was, shall we say, annoying. On arrival, a hot cup of tea and a delicious piece of saffron cake with butter, served in the garden, made the tiredness vanish.
Wild Shetland ponies:

A boat in the big blue sea looks so wee from shore:

And a lighthouse:

Among these rocks do live seals. There are signs around telling visitors to be VERY QUIET so as not to frighten them. Who knew that seals were so sensitive? But I, alas, did not see any of our little-eared, barking, flippered friends. ¡Qué lástima!

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Love the ponies. I am hoping to see the little Icelandic horses on our trip .