Thursday, July 28, 2016

A long day

The GPS clocked in at 17.78 miles, and, yes, I did stop the navigation function when I took a break! The first half of the walk was gorgeous and somewhat demanding and went through more kinds of scenery and terrain than one could imagine within about eight miles: ups and downs, of course, mud, rocks, a short manicured stretch, woods, streams, sand and asphalt.

A pretty moment:

and another, though this bit was barely longer than what you can see:

An adorable, little town called Mousehole, but pronounced Mow-Zel, features a hospital for wild birds

What ever could be troubling this not-so-wild looking specimen who did not ruffle one feather:

These chicks may be here because they are orphaned:

Now, this fellow is not in the hospital but rather at the art museum, as you can clearly see:

Oh, such a pun:

The harbor at Penznce sans pirates:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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