Thursday, July 14, 2016

Nine miles=eleven

Billed as short but strenuous, and it was! It is time to stop describing the delights and challenges of the walk because each day is wonderful, so that will be a given unless there is something striking to add like tomorrow is supposed to be the hardest day yet! However, the wind has died down, so maybe fears of being blown off a cliff will not be too consuming.

The Brits take their Sunday roast beef lunches seriously:

Pillar of rock!

I knew he would turn up! Not just any sheep. No! Our very own Wilbur! Isn't he a fine fellow?

Somewhere through this runs a path:

Port Isaac is a cute little town with lots of shoppes with names like Smiling Sardine and Krazy Crab, in which you want to buy every single goody! I settled for jam.


Now this fellow is up to mischief!

I am staying at a darling Hotel/B and B called the Old Schoolhouse. All the rooms are named after academic disciplines. I am in:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Port Isaac

1 comment:

  1. How about that ! Fancy you getting Religious studies 😄
