So, back to the doings of the day. These brightly painted "shacks" line the beachfront in Westward Ho! I guess if you have lots of gear and you go to the same place often, they serve a useful function:

Say, people, is your vehicle feeling depressed? Has it been making noises of despair, feeling as if other cars are snazzier, newer, maybe even drive themselves? There is a cure! Just bring Old Nellie to this parking lot for a spell. Her self esteem will be as good as new and she will be humming like a dream:

The walk today was gorgeous. I still marvel at the variety of the scenery each day. For some miles, though, the path was narrow and quite overgrown, thankfully, not with stinging nettles:

There were a few tree tunnels:

Foxglove has been a staple since Minehead. This clump gets to be memorialized:

Clovelly, originally an estate, now a tiny town, has two striking features. One is that it is all cobblestone. The other is that you can go either straight up or straight down. Sideways, not so much!

Eli (that is his name; the one in the background is Toby) enjoy those meagre wisps of hay. The food at the New Inn is no better. Neither salt nor pepper for the peas, nor packets of ketchup for the chicken, nor malt vinegar for the fries brought any of it up to edible standards.

Reminds me of a joke: Sarah says to Becky, "So, how was that new restaurant you and Abie tried last night?". "Oy! There you shouldn't go. The food, it was terrible, and the portions, they were so small!"
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Love the Tree Tunnels and the Cobblestone. What's not to love .