which was an hour and a half to two hours longer than the Official Path. I started down the O.P., but then thought, "It is such a beautiful day and I am not in a hurry, and this path seems a bit dull," so I turned around and headed towards the R.A. Was I ever glad I made that choice! It was wild and magnificent, and not a soul around!
Arrived at destination At 2:00, the earliest check-in time, and was welcomed by this mom and her baby. Note that Mom has red nail polish:

There is bric-a brac of every sort you can imagine all around and tons of books, stuffed chairs and sofas, paintings, you name it, but it works (except for the horrible looped music that reminds you of those shops, where, when you walk in the door, everything smells of incense).
His eyes were not in good shape, but the rest, not so bad, a classic good looker (in the style of David)?

Loved this plant stand:

and the poor, sad, black sheep:

View from the top of the stairs:

Relics from a good hunt, perhaps!
Tomorrow meet Ruth and Paul Simms, wonderful friends who are driving five hours to Lynmouth so that we can walk the last stage of the Two Moors Way together. Looking forward very much to this rendez-vous.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Porlock Weir
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