Monday, July 18, 2016

Sad at Seiners

Why sad? Because the best photos of the whole walk so far just disappeared. Gone! They simply are not on the memory card. So, before anything else, what were they of? Well, there were WARNINGS about adders, the only poisonous snake in the UK, who sun themselves at this time of year, so one is WARNED to stay on the paths. How clever of those adders not to choose the paths as their sungrounds! Then there were WARNINGS at a military installation about non-ionizing radiation. So don't try to break in, anybody! There were WARNINGS about mine shafts, that you should not fall into. And WARNINGS about debris from military exercises that you should not touch because any of it could explode and kill you.

Then there was an ice cream parlour that caters to our four-footed friends, offering them their own special flavours such as beef, venison and rabbit, and pork. And there was this big bull dog sort of drooly dog named Rocca, whose picture I took a she was slurping up a large venison and rabbit scoop. Oh, it was something to see, it was!

And there were photos of myriads of people playing on the beach, a veritable carnival of colour and joy.

And the photo of the sweet little bridge that spans the Gannel River at PenpoI that I was able to cross because I hit it during low-tide. In fact about 2/3 of the photos just did vanish. ¡QuĂ© angrifying!

But despite these losses, the day was so wonderful that I did tarry to make it last as long as possible before arriving at the digs for the night:

Along the Gannel:

A different yellow flower spread across the dune (or maybe just fields!):

Rocks and beach:

Beach that was to be walked across for one hour:

It was really fun to walk across that beach!

Dunes! Love walking through dunes:

Some things are the same everywhere:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


1 comment:

  1. How sad. The photos sound amazing . Vicki ! Your room number is the same as your age !!!!!
