Friday, July 29, 2016

Short day: 12 miles

It started out to-day, and is forecast to do the same tomorrow, with a misty rain that is not really rain, but heavy foggy mist that gets you wet fast. This is no way as bad as torrential rain, so cannot complain except to say that no matter how light weight your rain gear is, it is tiring to walk in rain pants and rain jacket. The boot repair sort of held out in that my feet stayed pretty dry, but it has to be redone. Of course, the tape won't stick if the boots don't dry out. And even if they do, it may not hold. Oh well.

Since it was raining, there was not much photo taking. This abandoned, thatch-roofed cottage made the cut:

Oh, no! Can you see Mr. red figure running in front of the cliff? Let's hope he makes it!


One section of the stage had a walk-on-the-beach option, so I took it. But I missed the exit, something I do worry about. There you are with these HUGE cliffs above and no way to get to the top, which is where you are supposed to be. Fortunadamente, there was a way up not too far down the other way.

Rain or no rain, these gulls were having a wonderful time:

Porthlevan is a little town with a charming harbor:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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