Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Jimena de la Frontera to Castillo de Castellar, May 30+ Castellar de la Frontera, May 31

 There are highlights so I guess there must be lowlights.  Today was one of them.  Long, straight, completely flat—except for an initial steep downhill from Jimena and a long uphill at the end, as "Castillo" would imply—mostly farm track.  

It reminded me of Navarra or Ohio:

But I don't know if either place does sheep:

Someone had the smart idea to turn the castle into a hotel:

But only the exterior is castle-y.  The room is pleasant: simple, light, airy, mini-frig, good view, functional wi-fi.  No doubt way more comfortable than the original!

May 31.  The walk from Castillo de Castellar to Castellar de la Frontera began with this view: 

Yes, Gibraltar! 

The walk was only a couple of hours because I broke the stage in two in order to do some circular walks and to avoid a super long walk.  So, after checking into the rather high-end hotel in Castellar—not to be confused with Castillo, only let's face it, the names are very confusing—which, surprisingly, they let me do at 10:00 a.m., I trudged off along the highway to the zoo (spelled 'zoo' in Spanish, too, but pronounced 'so' which led to a strange conversation con la señorita en la recepción. "¿Vas al zoo (hear "so')?  Me: ¿Qué?  thinking she had said "Are you going to the so=sol=sun given that final letters are often dropped in Andalucía.  After a minute: Ahh! so=zoo!  And she sold me my entry in case it would be crowded when I arrived.  It wasn't.

Inter alia, there were birds:


and fish:

Turtles taking the sun:

A big, fat frog:

And bigger, fatter snakes (who had a special heat lamp on them, ergo the red area on the white one!

Little cats:

Medium-sized cats:

And large cats:

And some porkers:

Then, it was time to hunt and gather, but the pickings are slim in this here town.   

Trivia question:  City in North America with the largest street fair (seven letters).

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