Sunday, June 19, 2022

Aracena, June 18

 As I was walking the walk today, I looked down at the GPS and discovered that I was not where I was supposed to be.  How that happened, I do not know as the path was straightforward with no obvious digressions.  Never mind, I got back to a different part of the route and had a lovely little saunter anyway.  That maneuver involved an act of of trespass, but no one is up at 7:30 to shoo you away.  

This was the first time that sheep came running towards me:

Maybe they are friends of Wilbur and his Maaa-maaaa!

Behold!  The riderless white horse appears yet again!!

But mostly I saw pigs.  Lots of pigs.  Let's call this one Snorty:

Oh, Snorty, What a big snout you have!

This MaMa had eleven piglets:

Here are a few up close and personal:

Speaking of things porcine, this afternoon, I visited the Ham Museum.  Yes, there actually is such an attraction:

This is what I learned: the famed Iberian pigs, although omnivores, eat mostly acorns from three different kinds of oak trees, which is what makes their meat taste so good....I would not know!  Honey and mushrooms are two other noteworthy products from this area.  But Iberian ham tops them all!  People swoon over it, truly.

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