Sunday, June 12, 2022

Vejer de la Frontera, June 11

A simple walk today, except for a very l o n g steep uphill at the end.  Apparently, that very l o n g steep uphill is the oldest road in Vejer.  Way back when, boats would unload and burros or mules or whatever would schlep the goods up to the town, but, alas, that transportation chain is no longer.  

These guys show how it is done:

I spent some time wandering around, looking in shop windows:

and going to a couple of museums:

The art was muy mal!  What can I say!!

The most interesting piece was a sculpture:

Maybe she is the Patron Lady of Vejer?

The other museum featured farm implements and the like.  Wagon wheels can be very large:

Here is a shoe waiting to be mended (an optimistic prognosis):

A pair of straw, miniature oxen(?) hauling a straw, miniature load:

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