Thursday, June 9, 2022

Vejer de la Frontera, Jun 08 and 09

My "landlady" took me from Tarifa to Vejer, which was nice....for a fee of course!  We got here, and since there was no obvious car access to the B and B, she left me off a few blocks away and I schlepped the suitcase, my backpack, the extra backpack up a steep, cobblestone street to Casa Shelly!  The numbers went 2, 4, 7, 9 but no 6.  Really!  So I left the goods in the street and looked.  Lo, there was a 6 after all, just not in its correct sequential position.  Chris, the owner, had given me the code, so I came in, got sorted and left, walking along a major highway for 90 minutes, to visit the NMAC, a huge park sort of place with enormous art installations.  You can see some of them here.

I am surprised the photos are not more comprehensive and better, so here are a few of my favorites:

Before you enter is this whackadoodle sign:

Huh?  I did not realize that it was a piece of "art" until the end of the visit!

These pieces are mirrors reflecting the light, ergo the different colors.

This is a fake picnic area!!  We all need a fake picnic area, replete with fake garbage cans,  for all those times when we want to have a fake picnic!

Though I had intended to walk back, I took a taxi—enough with the highway and the heat and the trucks and the cars—stopped at the tiniest grocery ever, and waited to be able to check in... at the B&B, that is.  This place is gorgeous!!  My room has its own private patio with lots of potted plants and flowers:

The whole little city (town?) is gorgeous.  

June 09 Did the "southern route" a walk which goes, would you believe south of Vejer.  It was no great shakes.  THE feature of this excursion is a very large Dovecote, El Palomar de la Breña".  "Wow, that should be interesting," I thought.  The attractions dates back to some century long ago, but is no longer in use.  I poked my head inside and the strong smell was centuries old as was the amount of bird poop.  "I swear, if I go into this place any farther, I will contract a bird-born illness for sure and no one will be able to diagnose it because the pathogens are too exotic!"  

This photo is flattering because really, it was very dark in there:

And BTW, there are no doves there.

Although the walk was only about 12.5 miles and not difficult logistically or in any other measurable way, it was exhausting.   Not a hint of shade on a hot day, about 5 1/2 hours of uninteresting walking tires one out.  But a hot shower and a cold drink work wonders!
Just BTW, I had discussed the walk with Chris, the owner of the B& B, who told me that the regulation route was a no-can-do because a farmer had locked a gate, so I went the long way 'round.  Then he told me that the other walk I wanted to do is inaccessible now, and the third walk is not worth the trouble, which I had kind of suspected, all of which demands a change of plans!

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