I did not walk from El Colmenar to Jimena de la Frontera. That is correct! I did not! It was too long—estimated walking time over seven hours— and had some worrisome features; that was the critical issue that deterred me. So, I decided on an out-and-back, which was quite pleasant except when I lost the path in the woods.
El Colmenar from the path:
It was easy to determine when to turn back: at a stream, a big one, that needed crossing:
Uh-uh! There were boulders you could crawl to (see over on the left), but scaling them I determined to be beyond my ability, especially since my foot has not fully recovered from the first crossing-without-stepping-stones experience. And there were several more stream crossing en route (as in "worrisome features," above).
A woman who works at the hotel in El Colmenar drove me to Jimena. She wore a rather large Magen David on a chain around her neck, but had no idea what it was. She thought it was a good luck charm and just liked it!! There ya go!
For three nights I am staying in a one bedroom house in Jimena that I think is meant for trysts or getaways. The bed is all lit up:
And there is a huge tub next to it:
Also, a bottle of wine, lots of candles and what not, and we have not even gotten to the bathroom yet where there is a huge shower and a sauna!
Are those trees and the colors and the mistiness, which is not mist but branches, enchanting or what! It was like being in another world!
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