Sunday, May 29, 2022

El Colmenar to Jimena de la Frontera, May 27, 28, 29

I did not walk from El Colmenar to Jimena de la Frontera. That is correct!  I did not!  It was too long—estimated walking time over seven hours— and had some worrisome features; that was the critical issue that deterred me.  So, I decided on an out-and-back, which was quite pleasant except when I lost the path in the woods.  

El Colmenar from the path:

It was easy to determine when to turn back: at a stream, a big one, that needed crossing:  

Uh-uh!  There were boulders you could crawl to (see over on the left), but scaling them I determined to be beyond my ability, especially since my foot has not fully recovered from the first crossing-without-stepping-stones experience.  And there were several more stream crossing en route (as in "worrisome features," above).

A woman who works at the hotel in El Colmenar drove me to Jimena.  She wore a rather large Magen David on a chain around her neck, but had no idea what it was.  She thought it was a good luck charm and just liked it!!  There ya go!

For three nights I am staying in a one bedroom house in Jimena that I think is meant for trysts or getaways.  The bed is all lit up:

And there is a huge tub next to it:

Also, a bottle of wine, lots of candles and what not, and we have not even gotten to the bathroom yet where there is a huge shower and a sauna!

It is a very nice apartment even though there is a dog who poops right outside the front door. ¡Qué asco! 

I love the tile floors:

 and I am loving having a kitchen for a couple of days even though I needed a video to learn how to turn on the stove!  Of the amenities:  I do not want the music or the TV or the candles or the bath salts or the bottle of wine, but the chocolates, those I want!  They are delicious!

May 28.  Today I did a circular walk that was quite lovely.  There were two highlights.  

The woods:

Are those trees and the colors and the mistiness, which is not mist but branches, enchanting or what!  It was like being in another world!

And El Rio Hozgarganta, which was studded with pink-blossomed rhododendrons:

AND when you had to cross, twice, there were cement blocks that made it doable!  ¡Gracias a Dios!

         Boulders to navigate, as well:

May 29.  Today's walk was a repeat of yesterday's, and even more enjoyable, with a few add-ons here and there.  Then another tasty lunch of sautéed potato, onion, and chicken tossed onto various salad ingredients.  There is nothing like a home-cooked meal!


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