Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Villanueva de la Concepción to Valle de Abdalajís, May 03

 Being worried mightily about the weather, I had a great deal of difficulty falling asleep last night. It was blowing and rainy and the report for today was not good!  Concerning for a day with an estimate of six walking hours. (This is not East Rock Park.)

It was cold and misty when I left.  In a little while, the sky looked like this:

It kept clearing in my direction, but as soon as I started feeling, umm, smug, the route turned north towards the dark, ominous sky!  It stared to sprinkle.  Out came the rain gear.  Luckily, the rain did not last long, and the cool, almost cold, weather was good for walking.

What a gorgeous stage this was.  Mountains:

and valleys:

And a misterio del día:

OK, so a wildflower, but what wildflower smells strongly of cilantro?

It's fun to take pictures of snails because they don't run away:

El Camino de Santiago?!  No!!!

(white and red bands: Gr 249, green: GR 7, Sun: Camino de Santiago)

When I arrived in Abdalajís, the sky looked like this:

About an hour later there was a short, rumbly thunderstorm.  Just before the downpour I managed to run to the supermarket where I was able to snag the very last loaf of bread!

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