Painting with story of painting below:

There are several horbours at Plynouth. This is one:

A whole other universe:

The walk today began with 7.5 miles through city and industrialscape. You could take a ferry to cut out the section, but I did not. Anyone who has done walks like this knows how challenging it can be to make your way through city streets and stay on the path, but leaving at 6:45 a.m. when the streets are empty of people and there is not a ton of traffic, made it much easier to see the signs, which were really quite good (and the guide book was excellent for this section). I certainly had my concerns!
Tanks and truck:

To liven things up, there is a poetry wall. Here is one panel:

the poem continues: of coastal history, stands this breeze block bulkhead between the land and sea. (There is more, but you get the gist.) One difficulty reading the poems is that you have to be walking in the right direction to see the panels in order. Kind of a fun concept, though.
There was also some art, like this rhino:

In the ship graveyard:

We come on the sloop John B......:

Waiting for customers:

Siesta time. Not moving for anyone:

There was a short ferry ride today, and here is how you do it. You go down to the ferry pier and you open a panel, which, in this case, was a big white circle. The ferry man sees the open panel and comes to get you. Of a truth, ferry man will not come to get you until he has a fare on the other side. Fortunately, that did not take too long. Long walk today, 18 miles, not difficult walking, but 18 is still a lot of miles!
Staying at a gorgeous farmhouse. Jackie, the lady in charge, let me use her kitchen and told me I could finish up her tuna. So I made toast, pulled out the lettuce from the bottom of my pack, finished up the tomatoes that had been packed in the suitcase, used the tuna, and had a great dinner! Dessert was the remnants of a scone with peanut butter, a couple of handfulls of granola and chocolate. No complaints!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Nos Mayo
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