Part of the route today passed through a military firing range. If the military is firing, you cannot pass through the range, but must take the road instead, an undesirable option. There are (many) signs that warn you:

And gates that make you say, "whoa"

But most important is the red flag. If the red flag is flying, you DO NOT ENTER. As you can see, the red flag is not flying:

The location of this range was Fort Tregantle, which has something of an ignominious history. The fort was built between 1854 and 1858. It was thought that the French were preparing to attack by land, so the fort had its 87 guns aimed inland. But wouldn't you know that before the fort was finished, technology had improved so that the French could effectively bombard from the sea, rendering those 87 big guns pretty much useless. Anyway, a picture of the fort:

What are the odds of this fort protecting anyone?

Time to go:


Plymouth is a lively city that likes to show people a good time:

The boat Victoria, fist to sail around the world—so it is said:

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