There were two long wonderful sections of sea wall to walk on today. Loved that part. Before the sea wall, there was some great outside-in-the-park art in Teignmouth, but because of the rain, I could not take any pictures. Sad.
There were also two ferry rides. The first, from Chaldon to Teignmouth, is, apparently, the oldest ferry route in England. The rain was letting up, so I took two photos. Here is the ferry pulling right up to the ferry slip for this honey. You just walk up the gangway:

And here is a front view of proud captain Dave

View from the sea wall:

The sun came out in the afternoon for the ferry ride to Exmouth:

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Hi Vicki! I just signed up as a Follower so now I can keep up with your travels and travails! Zach and I got caught in a deluge of a tropical downpour in Manhattan yesterday and were soaked throughout the matinee show (not having thought to bring umbrellas on this trip since it was such a short get away AND because of the drought in Massachusetts the last thing on my mind is that we would see rain)... but at any rate, I can imagine that your walking through rain is neither fun or easy. I know that I was extremely unhappy and feeling like a wet rat.