Thursday, August 25, 2016

From Sidmouth to Beer

Last night stayed in a "hotel" (it was really a pub+rooms) that smelled of frying fish with maybe some boiling broccoli mixed in. If you closed the window, that lessened the noise of the kitchen fan and cut down on the odor, but then the room was hot and stuffy. Fortunately, there was a window in the bathroom! Maybe some air that way? Open that window to find dead, pulled apart sea gull and other detritus, and many gulls—living, screeching ones— hovering around. Oh, no! A bird may fly into the room. Dealt with the smell. Now tonight, I have a gorgeous room in a sweet hotel in an adorable town.

Beautiful walk today! Notice the quite red colour of the water close to shore:

But all the water looks silverwhen the sun hits it just so early-ish in the morning:

Wonder if this is supposed to be like Donald Trump "just being sarcastic:"

Here is my question: Is Fuzzy Duck the name of the dog?

Part of the walk was an undercliff walk. It was quite spectacular:

Visited the Beer Quarry Caves, which are not really caves, but are huge hollowed out areas from which the lime stone has been cut out. This window from a cathedral, which one, yo no sé, but it does show the colour of the limestone:

Rock has been extracted form this quarry at least since Roman times. Working in the quarry was a life no better than working in a mine.

It isn't really light like this:

It is darker than this:

Bats hibernate in these quarries, but there were none there today! I am not sure if I was relieved or disappointed!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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