Saturday, September 20, 2014

Short and Fast to Santillana del Mar

You see this guy?  He is David from Sevilla.  He is young, he has VERY STRONG LEGS, he is a member of the Guardia Ciivil.  I almost ran the 17 K from Santander to Santillana del Mar to keep up with him, which was utterly exhausting.  Not that the route was unusually tricky, but four eyes are better than two, especially when two are mine.  It was first opportunity to speak Spanish extensively. Well, maybe not so extensively because David was not much of a conversationalist; he put it all into those legs.  

Santillana is a quaint town, medieval, they say and a tourist haven.  Almost every building is now a shop selling local cheeses and pastries, etc., or a hotel.   But there are a few museums.  First stop was this one.

A museum devoted to the various, imaginative, utterly sickening methods of torture used by the inquisition.  There were models of the devices, pictures, and explanations of how the many too many tortures were administered.

Not even one or two?

No matter what, you ended up thusly (but don't we all)?

Only a few photos for the curious.  This was execution, as opposed to torture:

I deleted all the torture photographs.  But, hey, look who endorses the museum!

The town well once, or a Mikvah?

Those are not bagels for sale, they are stones supporting a roof:

A street:

The ram is a popular sculpture subject in this town.  What its significance is, I do not know:

Plum tuckered out from the heat:

 It was a very welcome change to go to the museum across town (that means three streets away) to see where human effort was put to making things for useful purposes like farming and such:

And some nifty paw-steppers:

Which require an appropriate outfit:

Now, dressed and ready, one can dine here (my first dining room chairs looked just like this:

And when it is time for bed, well, this will do nicely:

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