Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A long day and a rest day

When you know you have many a mile to go, it is nice to start out this way:                                                                                                                                                   

Unless it was this way and I mixed up the photos!

No stopping today para nada but Bessie I could not resist:

After 20+ K there was a choice, take the highway and save "5 K" or take the coastal route.  This is like asking someone, "Would you like to walk for a couple of hours on I 91 or would you like to spend the afternoon walking along Big Sur?"  The  route was gorgeous.  High above a series of one stunning beach after another, some with impressive rock formations.  It was dazzling.

The distance turned out to be 36+ kilometers (with three more to get to the hotel) and that is a lot even in miles, as in just under 25.  The first time ever, I ran out of water, but fortunately not until near the end.  Lots of snack food helped.  I heartily thank the person who told me about Kind Bars.  I thought it was Suzie, but she refuses to take the credit.  Anyone who likes nuts will love these!  FYI Nica's sells them, though not all the varieties.

The final segment, about a kilometer or so, was along this wonderful beach....part sand, mostly sand but peppered with great rock formations:

 Then there was a boat to Santander.  Of course, I was a wreck worrying that the boat would not be running, but of course it was, every half hour, and it actually makes two stops!

Santander is a beautiful city with an impressive waterfront. Many many gorgeous sail boats.  What a thrill to see all this:

Even though a rest day in Bilbao was not long ago, I did not feel put upon having one today!  I did not even set the alarm!  The walk to the hotel yesterday would not have been so bad had someone whom I asked for directions not sent me through the most godawful tunnel, much longer than the one on the Wilbur Cross between Woodbridge and New Haven, but once you are in it, you have no choice but to keep going.  It added an unnecessary 1 1/2 K to an already long enough day.

This is one of those photos you know you took for a reason, then look at it and can't remember why:

It was because of that little duck, sitting alone on the wall, away from all its friends who were swimming in the water.

This photo is up for a caption contest:

A house too big to fit into a photo is a house big enough for a king:

Alex and Mary, your guesses get stars!  Alex: Don Alfonso Steering, the man who invented the steering wheel

Mary, play equipment for children.

The combination = John Adams exercising at an exercise station in the park, which must be where the Don got his brilliant, futuristic idea.

Next challenge.  ¿Qué es esto?

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