Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Don't you wish you were here?  

Another delicious, late lunch.  Turbot this time, served on a beautifully decorated plate:

So much ham, but where are all the pigs?  How exciting to finally meet a couple of porkers!  Here is Miss Piggy with a nose ring.  How fashionable she is!

And here is piggy's, beady-eyed friend.  By the way, pigs do not say "oink."  They grunt:

And here is piggy's polka-dotted, curly-tailed rump:

I do hope that these porkers will not be tapas any day soon.

I take very few pictures of the scenery, though it is tempting to stop often to capture the gorgeous views:

See what I mean?

On the way:

The lantana loves it at this house:

And just across the road, the bougainvillea flourishes:

Shortly after this particular spot, I, having learned a few things from Don about using the GPS, catch a wrong turn and save the day.  I love the GPS when I can use it.

Max, Don Alonso Pirate says, "¡Hola, hombre! ¿Qué tal, amigo?"

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