Thursday, September 4, 2014

Between beginning and beginning

Already having walked the first stage from Hondarribea to San Sebastían and still having another day in Hondarribea, I had to be mildly creative. I decided to redo a section of the first day's walk, admittedly not so creative, and explore more of the town.

The smell of mowed grass, ummm, so nice:

Don't ask how it is possible, but I got off track on the return. After looking at the map, it was easy to see why; there are several possible routes up to the Hermitage, and signage such as this is not helpful. I really hate the smiley face:

My meanderings were not off into the wilds, so it could have been worse. The scenery was enjoyable and eventually I did happen on some locals who were kind enough to point me on the way. Finally, back in town, it was a delight to discover that the heladería was open for business, because, in Spain, one never knows what will be open when. Not only did I purchase an ice cream que estaba super rico, I learned that the word for ice cream cone is cucurucho! (pronounced koo-koo-roo-choe) Isn't that the best! Later in the day, when purchasing a roll, I learned the word for poppy seeds, but that is not as interesting.

A picturesque burglar alarm maybe?

These little pretties look like wild pansies:

Today GyPSy was officially converted to revealing her distance data in kilometers. Her first announcement was 23.6. Without a full pack, and not wearing hiking boots, and not doing a lot of hills, that distance was pretty easy. Also, I chose not to walk during the hottest hours of the day, not always an option.

On to San Sebastián and check-in at the first hotel of the "tour." The good part is that they let me check it at 9:00 The not so good part is this is the view:

No incentive to linger. A walk on the beach at high tide, a must:

Getting set up for the day:

The sun screen must be in here somewhere!

¡Hola, señor! I knew I would see you again!

Like Stony Creek:

Camera broke, photos not transferring from iPhone to iPad, App Store will not let me make purchases, keyboard not connecting to iPad, Apple ID a mess, wi fi not staying connected. This may be the last post for a while.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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