Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It RAINED today!

Ohmygod, did it rain, and it was a 31K walk, which clocked in at a few steps short of 36K. Breakfast was at 9:00, absurd on such a long day, so we left at 7:00 a.m., in the dark.  Don, however, had gone out last night during which excursion he found a cafeteria that was "open at 6:00 a.m." and he also discovered the way out of town.  No cafeteria in the parts of Spain I have been in opens at 6:00 and this one did not either, nor did it open at 7:00.  So coffeeless, we headed out to the next town, which also was asleep close to 8:00.

Not long after this disappointment, it started to rain.  While I was donning my gear, Don took off and disappeared.  It started to rain hard.  One keeps going.  The scenery was gorgeous, mind you, but a hot drink would have been nice.  It started to POUR!  Finally, at 11:00 a.m., hungry and needing caffeine, I stumbled upon a local hangout for very old men where two cafes con leche and two tostadas con mantequilla y marmelade later and the use of the aseos, me animaron (got me up and going).

The route was described as being a 2 for waymarking, and I forget what for difficulty.  Who wrote this book!  The waymarking was sparse and faded, non existent in crucial spots, and the route was tricky with all manner of varients. The rain was relentless, poundingly heavy at times, as in it could not have been heavier.  The paths were difficult to navigate and by the time I arrived in Ribadesella, the streets were rivers.  I indulge not in hyperbole here.  Never have I walked through city streets with water almost 2 inches high.

I find a bakery and buy a delicious, crusty loaf and a hazlenut tart.  The salesgirl wraps up the purchases in an extra plastic bag.  Sopping wet, I arrive at my hotel, a most elegant, ornate edifice.

 I, however, am sent across the street to the annex. The annex is not gracious or elegant but the room is modern and very large.  It will more than do since there is ample room to spread out all the wet things.

Speaking of wet, which I have not stopped doing becasue it is so very very today, I decided before shedding my rain gear, I would go to the local supermercado to buy a tomato, fruit and some fresh butter to round out the dinner menu.  The supermercado was taking a siesta, so that plan was dashed.

Back to the room.  A tub!  Yes!  But there is no plug!  An inverted drinking glass serves and a hot bath feels great.  There is also a hair dryer.  Oh joy!  I can dry the crevices and pockets of my pack.  Oh no!  I cannot because the dryer does not work.  Let's hope the air suffices.

I ask el señor of the hotel management about the way out of town tomorrow.  He is so wrong!  But with the help of my four batches of instructions in two languages and Google Maps, I figure it out.

My hair looks so bad it isn't funny!

1 comment:

  1. You poor dear! Was it even worse than the deluge on the way to Finisterre?
