Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Portugalete to Liendo, to Santaña

Writing the blog on this trip is so difficult, I don't know why I persist.  To be able to read it later, I suppose.  No matter what method I try, app, on line, save, edit, entries and photos disappear.  There has to be a better way.  

OK, back to Portugalete and its bridge:

I love the morning:

Apparently, everyone is doing it:


Reminiscent of Stony Creek:

This was ond fantastic hotel in little Liendo, and the manager was so nice that she let me make make my own breakfast.  Since the next morning was a Sunday, they don't serve before 9:00 a.m., and who can wait until then to set out, missing those fresh hours before it gets hot?  I was given instructions on how to use the coffee machine, the microwave, how to lock the inner door and the outer gate and to depost my key in el buzon (the mailbox).  Truth be told, I didn't understand it all, but, gracias a dios, enough to manage and not blow anything up:

A sweet sight on the way:

Looking out over the beach, described as "a scramble," actually a difficult ascent of sand a rocks, fortunately made a little easier by a heavy rain during the night:

It is so nice when you meet someone, who wants to chat.  This is Hans from, yes, as he is letting us know, Hamburg.

And this is me on the boat from where ever it is to Santaña:

I had a short day today, 17 K, but Hans from Hamburg...he does want one to remember that... had another 17 K to go.  I make up the distance tomorrow:

A maritime sculpture

Sandpipers?  Oh they were so cute runnning about pecking their little beaks in the sand.  One does wonder what tasty morsels they find there:

The beach was gorgeous and H U G E.  But I was a wreck worrying about the next day, which was going to be long and I was quite confident I would not meet anyone on the way, which turned out to be the case.  And there was very loud music playing late.  A night for a sleeping aid!

I do want to say a word about language!  The guide book does indulge in euphemism.  Here is a favorite. describing the entry into Bilbao (I know that was days ago, but never mind) it says, "The shade cover thins as we appraoch the city, but you will be rewarded........"  What this means is that there will be not a tree to offer respite from the sun, mid-day, when you are likely to arrive, you will be walking along a highway that has no shoulder whatsoever at all, the waymarking will challange you at every roundabout, but persevere, dear walker, others have made it and so will you.

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