Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thirteenth day El Camino

Let it be known that the distance from Belorado to Atapuerca, by foot, is not 18.1 miles but 19.71. Fortunately, just previous we had two quiet nights, i.e., good sleep desperately needed after the disastrous nocurnal fiesta in Logroño. Also, we tried to eat well, stopped four times en route for fuel and rest, and still managed to arrive by about 4:30. (Well, yeah for us!) That was a long enough walk, though, to quell our interest in exploring Atapuerca before dinner, which, good or bad, our little hotel serves.

Churches with their so lovely bell towers are everywhere, even yonder against that rock:

Fields and fields of sunflowers; people cannot resist carving faces or messages on the ones closest to the road:

Here is one, having escaped being maimed, up close and personal:

Blue sky and bales of hay waiting to be picked up and stacked by a most ingenious machine:

A patch of poppies:

Just love those fat clumps of berries:

Stream and large bridge as seen from little footbridge:

Such great colours:

We all liked the name of this "town." The map informs that it has twenty inhabitants. Guess what? It doesn't have more! There is a big church a couple of albergues and absolutely nothing else. A very old stone wall leading out of town suggests that back in the day, way way way back, there may have been something else there--a monastery, maybe?

What a sky:

Our last stop of the day was in an adorable town called Agé. It had an adorable teeny tienda (store), stocked with gourmet goodies:

Curtain on my bedroom window at our hostal rural:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Belorado to Atapuerca

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