Monday, September 2, 2013

El Camino: 2013: Getting Ready and Day of Arrival

Trip to airport, check-in, and security completed in a record two hours. How amazing is that! JFK terminal 8 does not offer much in the way of shops or restaurants, but the threatening weather of this morning has cleared and the posted "on-time" status of the flight to Barcelona more than compensates.

There is so much to worry about before departure if one happens to be the worrying kind, which, need I inform, I am. The right clothes? Too much of this not enough of that? Snack foods--peanut butter, two pounds of mini Snickers bars, nuts, Luna bars, and cracker sandwiches. Is this necessary? Not going to the end of the earth you say? Well, yes, Finisterre IS the destination. Then I had cleverly packed an extra pair of insoles, only to discover, fortunately, before it was too late, that I had put in two lefts! Disaster averted.

An especially exciting aspect of getting ready has been the eight and half months of studying Spanish. Reports on the outcome of that effort to follow, when said efforts are put to the test.

Can hardly wait to get to Barcelona and see Tan and Ian with whom I will set out on this great and daring adventure. Come what may, being with friends will enhance the experiences. And, as a great Jewish sage said, (OK in a different context) "If not now, when?"

On the plane........upgraded to business class? How did that happen? How often is the question, "Why me?" directed to something good! But really--I have no points, no miles, no nothing! A real pillow and a quilt and a seat, which, according to the picture on the arm rest, can go all the way back. Very nice!

Airport processes in Barcelona and taxi to B and B without incident, but getting into the B and B (signless) not so smooth. I rang the doorbell of two different residents in the building before finally being directed to the correct entrance. This was not entirely my stupidity since more than one door has the exact same number and explicit instructions were not supplied. One has to be motivated quedarse en (to stay in) El Balcon de Born!

After leaving off my suitcase, spent many hours wandering in circles hoping to encounter Ian and Tanya, who, unbeknownst to me, had arrived shortly after I did, but we had all been shooed out, check-in being not until 2:00 pm. Eventually we had a happy reunion, walked about, admired the architecture, peered into some shops, and had a lovely first dinner outside in a square where we were treated to street musicians' melodies.

No photos 'cause something is weird about the photo import. Will try to figure out the problem for next time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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