Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day seventeen El Camino

Today, a first! Our actual mileage, 15.93 was less than the quoted mileage of 16+ miles; GyPSy does not lie!

The meseta is dry:




and thrilling to walk through, especially in the morning hours before the sun starts to cook you despite thick slatherings of sunscreen carefully applied. It is exciting to be in a huge space that does not overwhelm.

Entering a new province. Definitely picture worthy:

Just me and my shadow:

Ian said that if I did not hurry up and snap this shot, he and Tanya would fall asleep:


and shepherd--again. Only different sheep and a different shepherd:

This fellow needed a nibble:


Sometimes, if you want a drink, you have to turn the wheel:

Peanut butter sandwich time:

Not the Great Glen Way, but a significant canal runs through these parts:

Again we are staying at a charming, modest hostal rural. Plain as it is, there are the necessities: enough hot water, large bath towel, comfortable bed, bright sun streaming into the room, and it is hot enough outside for laundry to dry on the window sill in less than an hour!

Lace panels on the windows:

Packing that fifth pair of socks was a good idea after all:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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