Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day eighteen El Camino

13.54 miles today and an even shorter day tomorrow.

We have noted the paucity of birds, which may be due to the paucity of trees, but here is a pigeon perched on a church wall:

These sheep walking through town look like the sheep of yesterday. Only why are they walking through the main street of Frómista?

See, and like yesterday's flock, there is even one trying to eat something:

So many renderings of "peregrinos:"

The same kind of flowers as in East Rock Park:

We were not sure if this was, at one time, a street lamp. There were several of them in a row, looking quite lovely:

Straight this way for oats!

Iconic sign. Inevitably, around the corner.....

there will be people partaking of refreshments:

The ladies' room:

Ian and the mayor making important decisions:

Four life-long friends enjoying a pleasant evening in the square in Carrión de los Condes:

And four young boys kicking around a soccer ball:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Frómista to Carrión de Los Condes

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