Friday, September 13, 2013

Day Seven El Camino

15.47 mile day started with a walk through Puente La Reina, named to honor the elegant bridge leading into the town:

A common sight:

Hope this is not a common sight---peregrinos (what everyone walking is called) discarding clothes by the side of the road:

But this is worse. It can be difficult to find a "bathroom" spot. A low area near some picnic tables offered needed privacy as lots of people have discovered and didn't mind advertising:

On to better views:

Plowed field with poplars and stones. To the left is the wall of a cemetery:

We had a relaxing stop in this town, where the "barista" (not a term used here) was dancing to a recording of Swan Lake. We loved it!

This looks like thistle only it is blue:

Another pretty flower-whose-name-I-do-not-know:

Yet another peregrino who succumbed; this one a Dane. Is this going to be a daily occurrence?

Afternoon scene with haystacks:

Truly this statue is worn out from doing guard duty at the church:

Speaking of churches, it is notable that every church we come to is locked. A bit strange, is it not, on a pilgrimage route?

A heavily decorated door:

Bridge into Estella:

We are slightly cranky tonight because the hotel into which we are booked is a mile off the trail, a mile that has to be repeated tomorrow. If it were in an interesting part of town or had some comfort to commend it, we would be less cranky, but it isn't and it doesn't. The traffic is loud and relentless. But other than that, the walk is going well.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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